AQ6361 Telecom Production Optical Spectrum Analyzer 1200-1700 nm

The AQ6361 is the optical spectrum analyzer ideal for testing and inspecting optical devices such as laser chips, optical transceivers, and optical fiber amplifiers used in optical communication production lines.

  • Wavelength resolution: 0.05 to 2 nm(Standard model)
    0.03 to 2 nm(High performance model)
  • Wavelength range: 1200 to 1700 nm(SW type)
    700 to 1700 nm(EW type)
  • Level range: +20 to -80 dBm
  • Up to 20x faster measurement(CW light)
  • Compact and space-saving
  • Supports single-mode and multi-mode fiber

Acceleration of Measurement Speed

With the inclusion of the sensitivity mode [RAPID] specialized for CW light, measurements can be performed up to 20 times faster compared to our previous models. This will shorten the time required for optical spectrum measurement and improve your production efficiency.

Acceleration of Measurement Speed

Comparison with Our Conventional Model
Reference values with a span of 100 nm, 25001 sample points, avg. 1 and a noise level of approx. −60 dBm


Space Optimization of Production Lines

Reduced to less than half the size of the AQ6370E, it can be mounted in pairs on a standard rack. This contributes to space optimization by reducing the volume used in complex production lines and chip testers.

Space Optimization of Production Lines


Adaptable to Various Optical Modules

Depending on the measurement application, you can select a wavelength resolution from 0.03 nm (high performance model) to 2 nm. Additionally, the AQ6361 provides high dynamic range measurements with excellent stray light suppression performance of 73 dB (high performance model).

Adaptable to Various Optical Modules

Spectrum of ITLA


Compatible with Single-mode and Multi-mode Fibers

Adopts a free-space structure in the optical input, compatible with single-mode and multi-mode fibers, as well as large-core fibers. Both PC connectors and Angled PC connectors can be used. Therefore, the AQ6361 can be used even if the type of optical fiber connected changes.


Maintaining High Wavelength Accuracy

The AQ6361 is equipped with a wavelength calibration function that automatically corrects wavelength errors caused by changes in the operating environment. While wavelength calibration can be performed using an external light source, it can be done more easily by incorporating the optional built-in wavelength calibration light source.


Supports Both On-Site Operation and Remote

By connecting an external monitor and mouse, it can be operated directly on-site. Additionally, the web server function allows the AQ6361 connected to the network to be remotely controlled and monitored without the need for software.

Supports Both On-Site Operation and Remote


Integration with External Devices

Supports input and output of trigger signals. It allows for measurements synchronized with external trigger signals and output of sweep states. Synchronization and automatic control with other devices are possible. Additionally, it supports digital I/O.


High Compatibility with Remote Commands

Equipped with an Ethernet port and GP-IB (optional). The standard remote commands comply with SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) according to IEEE-488.2. It is compatible with both our previous AQ6370/ AQ6380 series and AQ6317 series, making it easy to transition from existing systems. Control via LabVIEW®, MATLAB®, and Python is also possible.


Program-Free Data Analysis Function

It incorporates analysis functions for evaluating the optical spectral characteristics of various devices and systems. Since programming for analysis is not required, the design time of the production line can be shortened.


The AQ6361 is suitable for the evaluation and inspection of various optical components and optical devices.

●LD chip

●Optical transceiver
●Optical filter

●WSS(Wavelength Selective Switch)
●EDFA(Er Doped Fiber Amplifier)
●WDM system


Spatial Light Measurement for LD Chips

The free-space structure of the AQ6361 can be used with both single-mode and multi-mode fibers. It can efficiently capture laser beams spatially output from wafers, LD chips, and TOSAs using multi-mode fibers with a large core diameter.

Spatial Light Measurement for LD Chips

Spatial light measurement for LD chips


Evaluation of Optical Spectrum for High-Performance Optical Devices

High-performance optical devices, such as ITLAs, require high-performance measurement instruments to evaluate their performance. The AQ6361, with its high wavelength resolution and wavelength accuracy, can be used to evaluate high-performance optical devices.


Optimizing bias voltage is essential for efficient optical modulator operation, maintenance of signal quality, and meeting performance specifications required for a designated application. Proper biasing helps achieve desired modulation effects, reduces distortion, and enhances overall reliability of optical communication systems.


This application note introduces free space light measurement jigs for measuring the emission spectrum of a light source that propagates in free space or the optical transmission spectrum of an optical filter. It describes four types of jigs for light sources and one type for filters.


Overview of optical communications via optical fibers including: signal conversion, optical fiber benefits, techniques like wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) for increased capacity, key components like optical amplifiers and spectrum analyzers for maintaining transmission quality.


Optical transceivers are one of the indispensable key devices for optical communications that interconvert optical and electrical signals.

Application Note

OSA Macro Program Function

The OSA Macro Program Function enables automated measurement by creating programs for entry of measurement conditions and other tasks. Users can program a sequence of measurement procedures from entry of measurement conditions (e.g., wavelength sweep width, setting resolution) to analyses, data saving, output, and others and eliminates redundant procedures on the production line. The function acts as a controller of other connected devices through the LAN or RS232C port and allows users to build an automatic measuring system without using an external PC and input measurement conditions or output measured results while programs are running.


To accurately measure pulsed light using an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the OSA and select the appropriate measurement method and settings.

Product Overviews



    We are going live on YouTube to answer your questions about the Yokogawa Test&Measurement AQ6370 Series of optical spectrum analyzers. Join us to discuss how to make the most of these versatile instruments based on your optical application needs. A few examples are fiber testing, laser/LED testing, LiDAR, optical passive components (filters), and optical transmission equipment (DWDM, CWDM). Whether you’ve worked with an OSA for years or curious if it is a good fit for your work or research, this live stream can help.

    Potential items for review include but are not limited to:

    • Span
    • Sweep
    • Calibration
    • Analysis
    • Cursors/Markers
    • PC-Based Remote Viewing Software

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