In drive tests of vehicles and transportation equipment, more detailed data analysis can be performed if voltage/current of batteries and motors, temperature and vibration, in-vehicle serial bus data such as CAN/CAN FD, and others can be recorded together with speed and position information from GPS.
However, when recording the data of a vehicle in motion and the data from GPS simultaneously with a data logger, it is difficult to synchronize these data and an expensive dedicated measurement system is needed.
Measurement using a data logger often involves multiple channels and it is necessary to set the optimum range one by one according to the level of each input signal in advance, requiring a great deal of time for the work before measurement.
This application note describes the simultaneous recording of various signals and GPS information using the Portable ScopeCorder DL350.
Key Points
The DL350 portable ScopeCorder can be equipped with 2 plug-in modules selected from 18 types and can perform combined measurement, ranging from voltage/current, acceleration (vibration), temperature, strain, frequency, logic to CAN/CAN FD/LIN/SENT in-vehicle serial bus data trend measurements.
Scope Mode: to operate as an oscilloscope
Recorder Mode: to operate as a data recorder
ScopeCorder DL350
You can choose from 1 MS/s, 10 MS/s, and 100 MS/s sampling rate modules to suit your needs.
The internal memory of 100 M points/slot or an SD card of up to 20 G points/slot allows long term recording.
Examples of Recording time to SD memory card
Navigation function shows you how to set up DL350 step by step so that it can be used even by users unfamiliar with its operation. Of course, you can also save and load the setup files.
The auto setup function automatically displays an input signal on the appropriate time and amplitude axes.
By connecting the optional accessory GPS unit, you can obtain GPS information and add it to the measurement data.
•Latitude [°]
•Longitude [°]
•Altitude [m]
•Velocity [km/h]
•Direction [°]
•GPS Status
The DL350 supports AC, DC (cigarette plug) and rechargeable battery that provides up to 3 hours of continuous operation. With the battery installed, measurement will continue even during power failure.
You can extend the operation time of your DC Power supply with a commercial high-capacity external battery.
Google Earth Pro allows you to trace your trajectory on a map.
DIAdem enables you to display traces on a map together with the measurement data.
The DL350 is designed to be battery-powered and to measure without grounding, so it does not have a built-in probe power supply for safety.
When using a current probe, use an external probe power supply or use a current probe with a built-in battery.
Verified Current Probe
Chauvin Arnoux’s
Battery-Integrated AC/DC Current Clamp
See the latest product information of Chauvin Arnoux
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